Miriam E. Camarena

Miriam Elizabeth Camarena Jimenez has a degree in Information Technology and Master in Software Engineering from the University of Guadalajara, CUValles. She carried out a research stay at the Polytechnic University of Engineering of the University of Oviedo in Spain in collaboration with Ingenium, a leading company in home automation services and products. She currently works as IT Project Manager.
She worked as an advisor for the Vue.js Programming module in a Web Development diploma.
She participated in various scientific and technological dissemination events.
She served as vice president of the CUValles IEEE Student Branch in the 2019-2020 period.
In 2017 he received the Cruz de Leones UdG award for his transformative leadership that inspires the development of activities to promote values, culture and social work.
In 2021, she received the highest VERITAS JURE VOX DEI Award for her participation and social commitment to promote the rights and empowerment of women.